I am pleased to announce the addition of the "Communicative Koine Greek" forum/message board to KoineGreek.com. The purpose of this message board is to provide an online forum dedicated specifically and only to topics related to the communicative learning and teaching of Koine Greek as a living language.
I encourage you all to take part and contribute or ask questions as you see fit! This is a great place to link to your own material, videos, audio recordings, etc. We can all benefit by sharing what we are working on here. I very much encourage you to do so and you are welcome to promote your own material here.
(Note that this forum is specifically for communicative teaching/learning topics and not a general Greek forum. TextKit and B-Greek already serve that function quite nicely and this forum is not meant to compete with them in general. Rather, its focus is specifically on the "living language" approach to Koine Greek.)
Awesome Paul! You should share your lesson on Mark in the the forum :) Is it on video?
Today I discovered the Modern Greek names for the days of the week today. I'm stunned. I guess the Jewish/Christian influence really stuck.
Wonderful. I was just about to suggest something like this. Right now I'm doing leveled stories up to the simple Baptism of Jesus story in St. Mark. Today, in prep for Level 3 (of 4), we played around with self-affected (M/P) participles in prep for hearing how Jesus saw τοὺς οὐρανοὺς σχιζομένους. I don't think one certain student of mine was very happy having other students pick him up, but it's a sacrifice for learning! That way, I could ask about αἰρόμενος.