How do I say _____ in Koine Greek?
As you work on growing in your Koine Greek fluency, you may find that you often run into a "speed bump" of not knowing how to say a certain concept in Koine Greek. The dictionary below allows you to search for terms in English and find possible Koine equivalents to keep you speaking!
English Gloss | Greek | Example Sentence | Reference |
What texts is the dictionary based on?
As of the time of writing (March 2nd, 2019), this lexicon is an inverted version of several software-generated concordances. It includes the following texts: Byzantine Greek NT, LXX (Rahlfs), Josephus (Works), Greek Judaean Desert Texts, Epictetus (Works), Apostolic Fathers, and Eusebius (Church History). I should note that I have also added some entries myself, such as certain practical "daily-life" phrases from the Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana in the text of Dickey (2012, 2015).
The advantages of Accordance Bible Software
The database for this lexicon, inasmuch as it includes the texts listed above, was generated with Accordance Bible software. Accordance and their partners own the copyrights on these texts (above). I should note that I highly recommend Accordance Bible software for Greek linguistic work and would recommend it above all other Bible software programs.