I have started to work through books and articles on second language acquisition, currently focussing on construction grammar approaches. I am hoping that this will improve my ability to teach Greek to my group and have already found some things very useful.
Does anyone have any recommendations re resources that it would be worth looking at that are either explicitly applied to Koine or more generally. I am guessing that the former would be rarer than a unicorn, but I live in hope.
I may eventually try to get myself on some sort of course for modern foreign language teaching methods but want to read around first
This is copied from my reply to Longhorn on B-Greek...
Starting points might be listening to the podcast "Tea With BVP" by Bill Van Patten and reading Shawn Loewen's book, Instructed Second Language Acquisition (ISLA). Links below.
Total Physical Response (TPR), TPR Storytelling (TPRS), are Where Are Your Keys (WAYK) are communicative methods I use. Learning about ISLA has greatly sharpened my understanding of whythese methods work and allowed me to be creative in using them and coming up with alternate strategies. A hasty list of concepts that are useful to understand, include:
How vocabulary is acquired in ISLA settings versus immersion settings,
The debate on whether explicit instruction can result in implicit knowledge.
The value of constructing situations in which learners must use the target language to negotiate meaning (which is the basis of the biggest new method in ISLA, Task Based Teaching and Learning - TBLT).
Language learning assessment.
Thanks for the advice. I will do that
I would recommend Paul Nation's stuff on SLA.
In addition, you might see about asking Scott McQuinn to share his MA thesis with you. He did it on SLA and the biblical languages.